At 247 pounds, Diana Stobo was plagued by pain and physical discomfort. After years of struggling with body image, health issues, and the addictive food cycle, Diana became sick and tired of being sick and tired. She decided to take her health into her own hands.
Displaying a list of No's prominently on her fridge – No Sugar, No Wheat, No Dairy, No Alcohol, No Caffeine, No Meat – Diana "got naked" and watched her life and her health quickly transform.
In her own words, "Getting Naked means stripping down and simplifying the nourishment that you put in your body. I use the term Naked instead of Raw because we are often set up for failure if we strictly limit ourselves to just one thing."
Diana shares her simple and flexible philosophy in the recently published Get Naked Fast: A Guide to Stripping Away the Foods That Weigh You Down
The basis of her approach is eliminating refined sugars, wheat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and meat, and in the "Know No's" section, she offers a sensible overview of how the different foods affect the body.
I found the information easily digestible. There are no "shoulds" or "should nots." She even addresses common questions:
Q: I'm addicted to coffee and can't start my day without it. What should I do?
A: If this is the one vice you have while alleviating all the other toxins from your body, then have your cup of joe and enjoy it.
Q: What happens when I'm hungry?
A: It's simple, you eat.
I so resonate with her start-where-you-are approach. By taking things one step at a time and allowing your system to gently detox, you'll soon see the benefits of Getting Naked. Watch as your energy starts to increase, your skin clears and brightens, your eyes sparkle, and you begin to effortlessly shed unwanted weight.
Diana breaks it all down for you. She'll teach you how to makeover your pantry and explore food substitutions as you begin to Know the No's. Simple replacements like almond milk for cow's milk, or sprouted whole grain flourless bread for your usual wheat bread can make a big difference to your body.
And for those of you who gotta have that cup of joe, she suggests substituting Euromild™ Acid Free Coffee for your daily caffeine fix. Sweeteners, condiments, alcohol, it's all laid out. She makes it super easy to make out your new grocery shopping list.
So, what to do with your newly restocked kitchen? Get Naked Fast
and start playing with your food!
Diana's created delicious and simple recipes for Naked Nourishment. Most prep times average between 5 and 15 minutes.
I like to start my day with freshly extracted green juice, but many folks like to begin their day with something hearty. How's Fresh Apple Muesli with Maple-Pecan Cream or Hot Quinoa-Cranberry Cereal grab you? Maybe an Easy Almond Date Milkshake or Julius Kefir Smoothie is more your thing.
Soups, salads, wraps, hearty stews, sweet treats and beautifying elixirs, it's all here for you to explore. And let's not overlook the eye candy. Each of Diana's easy-to-make delicious recipes is accompanied by her mouth-watering photographs. Yum!
Listen, I've been there, Diana's been there. There comes a day when you just have to say, "Enough. It's time to break this endless cycle. I need to make a change." Do it! Don't wait another day. Your transition to good health, feeling and looking better than you've felt in years, doesn't have to be this giant leap. Start where you are.
Need some hand holding? This is it. Diana's created something tangible you can use and follow. So Get Naked Fast
and watch as your life transforms and you take on the glow of health, vibrance and beauty.
Displaying a list of No's prominently on her fridge – No Sugar, No Wheat, No Dairy, No Alcohol, No Caffeine, No Meat – Diana "got naked" and watched her life and her health quickly transform.
In her own words, "Getting Naked means stripping down and simplifying the nourishment that you put in your body. I use the term Naked instead of Raw because we are often set up for failure if we strictly limit ourselves to just one thing."
Diana shares her simple and flexible philosophy in the recently published Get Naked Fast: A Guide to Stripping Away the Foods That Weigh You Down
The basis of her approach is eliminating refined sugars, wheat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and meat, and in the "Know No's" section, she offers a sensible overview of how the different foods affect the body.
I found the information easily digestible. There are no "shoulds" or "should nots." She even addresses common questions:
Q: I'm addicted to coffee and can't start my day without it. What should I do?
A: If this is the one vice you have while alleviating all the other toxins from your body, then have your cup of joe and enjoy it.
Q: What happens when I'm hungry?
A: It's simple, you eat.
I so resonate with her start-where-you-are approach. By taking things one step at a time and allowing your system to gently detox, you'll soon see the benefits of Getting Naked. Watch as your energy starts to increase, your skin clears and brightens, your eyes sparkle, and you begin to effortlessly shed unwanted weight.
Diana breaks it all down for you. She'll teach you how to makeover your pantry and explore food substitutions as you begin to Know the No's. Simple replacements like almond milk for cow's milk, or sprouted whole grain flourless bread for your usual wheat bread can make a big difference to your body.
And for those of you who gotta have that cup of joe, she suggests substituting Euromild™ Acid Free Coffee for your daily caffeine fix. Sweeteners, condiments, alcohol, it's all laid out. She makes it super easy to make out your new grocery shopping list.
So, what to do with your newly restocked kitchen? Get Naked Fast
Diana's created delicious and simple recipes for Naked Nourishment. Most prep times average between 5 and 15 minutes.
I like to start my day with freshly extracted green juice, but many folks like to begin their day with something hearty. How's Fresh Apple Muesli with Maple-Pecan Cream or Hot Quinoa-Cranberry Cereal grab you? Maybe an Easy Almond Date Milkshake or Julius Kefir Smoothie is more your thing.
Soups, salads, wraps, hearty stews, sweet treats and beautifying elixirs, it's all here for you to explore. And let's not overlook the eye candy. Each of Diana's easy-to-make delicious recipes is accompanied by her mouth-watering photographs. Yum!
Listen, I've been there, Diana's been there. There comes a day when you just have to say, "Enough. It's time to break this endless cycle. I need to make a change." Do it! Don't wait another day. Your transition to good health, feeling and looking better than you've felt in years, doesn't have to be this giant leap. Start where you are.
Need some hand holding? This is it. Diana's created something tangible you can use and follow. So Get Naked Fast
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You can also find Diana online at her website.