A Whopping Pile of Books & A Giveaway Winner

For as long as I can remember, I've had an ongoing love affair with books. Whenever I've moved to a new city, one of the first things I'd do is visit the local public library and sign up for a new library card.

Someone asked the other day on Twitter: "Anyone have any good books to recommend?" 

"Yeah," I answered, "check 135 Comments – you'll find over 300 book recommendations." 

"Here" being the comments on Enter To Win A Raw Food Recipe Book, where I asked entrants to answer this question:

What are your 3 favorite books of all time?

Wow! Seriously, if you're looking for a good book to read or a great gift idea, check out the responses that came in: from A Course in Miracles to The Bhagavad Gita; Harry Potter to The DaVinci Code to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo; from Shakespeare to Hemingway; Tolkien to Stephen King, there is most definitely something for everyone. And since I did say "of all time," there's even quite a few children's books listed. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway!

Oh right, a giveaway. That was the whole point of entering. The lovely folks at Snubbr generously offered to gift a lucky reader with his/her choice of one of the best raw food cookbooks

So let's see who Mr. Random Number Generator chose...
That would be Laura Gallagher. Here's what she posted:
I love some of my childhood favorites still...
1. Matilda – Roald Dahl
2. Conscious Eating – Gabriel Cousens
3. Paddington
Classics! Thanks, Laura.