Holy shitaake! Is it any wonder that we are a culture plagued by heart disease, autoimmune disorders, cancer, obesity, autism, Alzheimer's, depression and a host of other alarming health conditions. Many of the symptoms we've come to associate with "normal aging" are really signs of toxicity.
Lucky for us, the body is an amazing machine and naturally detoxifies every single day, whether we take any action to help it or not. But what happens when the organs of elimination become weak and/or overloaded? Garbage in. Garbage out. The body will resort to eliminating toxins through any convenient outlet it can find – the eyes, ears, throat, vagina, skin, sinuses, and scalp.
Symptoms of Toxicity:
sore throat
coated tongue
excess weight
hay fever and allergies
chronic fatigue
sinus troubles
migraine headaches
bad breath
foul-smelling stools
strong body odor
runny nose
aches and pains
These "symptoms" may be a sign that toxins are becoming backed up in the lymphatic system, blood, liver or colon — all of which they must pass through before they leave the body for good.
What can we do to assist the body's natural cleansing process?
Consume an 80-100% raw, low-fat organic vegan diet
Raw juice fasting
Colon cleanse
Liver/gallbladder cleanse
Heavy metal cleanse
Parasite cleanse
Lymphatic massage
Dry skin brushing

Ready to take the plunge and do a juice feast? David and Katrina Rainoshek are ready to support you on your Juice Feasting™ journey. They've created an online community for juicing, with videos, books, and over 350 articles for download.
Here's some interesting food for thought: every meal that you've put in your body since birth that is not a fruit or a vegetable is partially stuck in the body, like cement. In fact, cleansing guru Gil Jacobs says that adults who've grown up on a standard western diet and then convert to a diet of primarily raw, plant-based foods, could do a colonic a week for life because their bodies are so filled with waste from all the previous years of eating "normal" food. Visit the Colon Therapists Network to learn more about colon hydrotherapy and to find a therapist near you.
Whatever you do to assist your body in eliminating toxins, one thing's for certain — you'll experience new vigor and vitality, freedom from illness, sweet smelling breath, no body odors, easy and inoffensive elimination, shinier and thicker hair, clearer eyes and skin, greater mental clarity, no cellulite, greater stamina, and a deeper connection to spirit.
Check back here next week for a fun Spring Cleaning Giveaway!